Thematic issue 67(1) 2024 - Clinical Neuropsychology – new trends in research and in practice
Dear Colleagues,
You are invited to submit abstracts for the thematic issue of Przegląd Psychologiczny / The Review of Psychology dedicated to various aspects of clinical neuropsychology.
Today, advancements in neuropsychology involve integration of various problems, previously recognised as a domain of other sciences and academic disciplines, mainly psychology, neurology and psychiatry. What the various lines of study or concepts (behavioural neuroscience, clinical neuropsychology, cognitive neuropsychology, cross-cultural neuropsychology) have in common is the focus on the relationship between the central nervous system and behaviours over the course of life. Neuroimaging techniques, research on the human genome, the development of theories relating to mental processes, case studies and evidence-based research have led to significant advances in neuropsychological evaluation and neuropsychological rehabilitation (Bilder, 2011).
The extent to which the progress in our understanding of brain-behaviour relationships affects our professional activity is reflected by the studies focusing on a wide range of issues, such as the mechanisms through which somatic diseases (e.g. progressing hypertension, HIV or COVID-19 infection) affect cognitive functioning (Ferrando et al., 2022), cerebral mechanisms of psychopathological symptoms (e.g., affective disorders, schizophrenia, addictions) (Luvsannyam et al., 2022), as well as neuropsychological rehabilitation methods (virtual reality, computer-assisted cognitive rehabilitation method), and integration of neuropsychology and various therapeutic approaches in the process of comprehensive psychological support for individuals with brain dysfunctions or those living in dysfunctional families (Exner, 2022; Yeates, Ashworth, 2019). Another area of research, related to cross-cultural neuropsychology (Franzen et al., 2022), investigates whether and in what way culture affects cognitive functioning, and whether and in what way this is linked with the functioning of the brain. Are we prepared to evaluate and provide psychological support to individuals with different cultural backgrounds, and in the situation of cultural diffusion (Nelson and Pontón, 2007)? In view of the double ageing of the populations, reflected by the increasing proportion of the oldest individuals among senior citizens, growing importance is attached to cognitive reserve, i.e., the resources accumulated during one's life, which could promote satisfactory ageing and/or delay psychopathology at later stages of life (Nogueira et al., 2022). In this context, it would be worthwhile to look at neuropsychology as an area of expertise which could be applied in prophylaxis, since it potentially may identify modifiable risk factors for the development of cognitive disorders, or suggest ways to support cognitive capacities, and to modify the environment of an individual with CNS pathology (Randolph, 2013).
We hope we have managed to encourage you to contribute to the volume; you are invited to submit articles, preferably presenting results of your own research.
- abstracts (up to 500 words), by the end of April 2023 to the address:
- invitation to submit complete manuscripts: by the end of May 2023
- submitting complete manuscripts: by the end of September 2023